
Programs and Pieces

Steven Tyler’s Ear, Nose & Throat doctor

zeitels-burns-tyler-hillmanBroadcast nationally in Fall, 2016

A look at the science of singing, how the body creates the sounds that we recognize as music, and the works that singers and their doctors do to keep the music flowing. The story highlights Dr. Steven Zeitels, who has saved the voices of Julie Andrews, Adelle and Steven Tyler, among others. This story aired on PRI’s Studio 360.

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Breast Cancer

Breast CancerBroadcast nationally in Spring/Summer, 2016

In this one hour special (part of the series The Best Medicine) we look at Breast Cancer — its diagnosis, its treatment, its history as a public policy issue and its direct impact on patients.

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Going Where No Prop Has Gone Before

Margaret and avisory team with the EnterpriseBroadcast nationally in Spring, 2016

Behind the scenes at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum which is renovating the Starship Enterprise model from the original Star Trek, getting it ready to go on permanent display. It also looks at how the museum incorporates STEM learning into its exhibitions.  This story aired on PRI’s Studio 360.

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Are You Read For Some Football Music!?


MNF LogoBroadcast nationally in Fall, 2015

This story looks at the origin of the Monday Night Football theme song and explored the impact of the music that’s played with football highlights. This story aired on PRI’s Studio 360.

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Heart Disease




Broadcast nationally in Winter, 2016

In this one hour special (part of the series The Best Medicine) we look at stories of people battling the biggest health threat known to man — cardiovascular disease.

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Why Shakespeare?

Broadcast Nationally in April, 2014

What other playwrights’ work might we see if we didn’t watch so much Shakespeare?  This story aired on PRI’s Studio 360.


“Actor’s Nightmare”

Broadcast nationally in February, 2014

In White Rabbit/Red Rabbit, an actor is handed the script for the first time on stage, in front of a theater-full of people.  This story aired on PRI’s Studio 360.


“The Toilet Musical”

Broadcast nationally in January 2014

In the 1950s and 60s, there was a special kind of musical theater production designed solely for and about corporate America.  This piece aired on PRI’s Studio 360.


“Shakespeare In Black and White”


Broadcast nationally in April 2006
Broadcast on the program “Studio 360.” At countless times in America, and for countless groups of citizens, the question has come up: Who “owns” Shakespeare? This is a particularly poignant question in the case of African-Americans. This story looks at minstrel show parodies of Shakespeare, color-blind casting of Shakespeare and the African-American experience with Shakespeare.


“This Guitar Kills Fascists, Too”

Broadcast nationally in October 2008


Broadcast on “Studio 360.”  In the 1960s there was a group of folk singers who you’ve probably never heard about. They sang of Peace (through strength) and Love (of Barry Goldwater). This is a story about the right-wing folks singers of the 1960s.


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